Connect to your toolchain

neuro supports multiple methods of connection from pre-built connectors to custom integrations to provide fast and complete transparency.

neuro starter

best for getting started
149 Monthly
  • Up to 5 code repositories
  • Up to 20 contributors
  • Jira and Git integration
  • Cloud integrations only

neuro enterprise

for on-premise environments
TBD Annual
  • Unlimited code repositories
  • Unlimited contributors
  • Integration with all tools
  • Single sign-on

Contributors is the number of unique people who have been active in the Neuro data sources over the last 60 days, e.g. Jira users, repo users

Maintenance covers dedicated technical account management and customer success to help you get the most from the platform

Prices exclude VAT/taxes and are subject to change

How does neuro stack up?

Feature Neuro Plandek Jellyfish Actionable Agile EazyBI ServiceNow
Combines datasets from multiple sources
Integrates with common CI, SCM and workflow systems
On-prem solution
Tracking of cost and time
AI insights
Turnkey visualization of 100+projects
Configurable/templated lenses to enable consistent roll-out of customised reports across teams
Automated reporting (scheduled emails, chart annotation, commentary)
Cross-project and cross-instance linkage and traceability
Code risk prediction
Natural language interface